The Trees

How 1 album can finance 5 trees

How it works?

As independent musicians, we believe in using our creativity to inspire change. With every album sold, we plant five trees in partnership with RAIN, a reforestation organization dedicated to working with local communities in Brazil. Together, they restore mangrove ecosystems - critical habitats that combat climate change, protect coastlines, and support biodiversity.

By supporting our music, you’re also contributing to this effort to create a greener future. It’s a small step with a big impact, and we’re grateful to have you with us on this journey.

Why plant mangroves?

Mangroves in northeastern Brazil, particularly in Maranhão - the state with Brazil’s highest poverty rate - play a vital role in combating climate change and supporting local livelihoods. These mangroves sequester up to four times more carbon than other biomes and serve as critical habitat for 70-80% of valuable marine species.

Maranhão is home to the largest continuous mangrove forest globally, forming a crucial link to the Amazon rainforest, essential for stabilizing the global climate. Restoration efforts not only employ local and Quilombola communities but also ensure sustainable futures for fishing-dependent populations, while preserving these ecosystems and the health of the Amazon, the “lungs of the Earth”.

Find out more about RAIN Here.